Reaching Out

flyingbookHey all… as you know I have several WIPs, and one of them is so very close to finished as a rough novel.  All that is left is the ending.  Well, here is the thing… I am stuck!  And I am turning to you, dear readers… I am looking for around 5 people, 5 special people who are interested in reading Mo Thuras, in this rough form and helping me polish it into the shining gem I know it to be!  Since I am participating in NaNoWriMo next month, I am looking for a few people who are interested in reading it before the end of November, so that when I am done with my newest work, I can hit it hard and hopefully finish it.

So, who are you? Who is interested in finally seeing the dark alleys of my mind, and delve deeply into a piece I have yet to finish and give me your thoughts on the story?  I wont break, I can take it!