Currently – In My Life

I have some exciting things going on in my life these days! I just had to share with you all. I am looking at finally delving into the work that I have been moving towards for several years now! And I can’t wait to see how it goes!
What is more, I have been taking some great online classes trying to get some certifications. I just finished up the Personal Branding course last week and have several more that I am hard at work on (check out my LinkedIn to see my certificates). If you have not heard of Coursera, I totally suggest you check it out! It is a great resource.


What about you? Is life moving in a direction you want? If not, what are some easy steps you can take to move it towards your goals?!? Share with me, as always I LOVE to interact with you all!

That Like Button

Has Facebook ruined social media of any form? I have a blog to interact with people… Yet no matter what I try to interact with my readers, it would seem that even here, a place full of writers, we don’t take the time to comment… Instead we just click on the little like button…  It makes me wonder about other things as well. I recently watched a video online that I really thought was very inspiring and thought provoking… I will share it with you here:


So what do you think? Do we spend too much time on our electronics?  Do we spend all our time with short cuts, not writing things out?  Looking at posts and thinking TLDR?  What are your thoughts?

Short Story: The Roadster Smart Car

Here is a glimpse of a short story I wrote for my Craft of Plot class.  Thought it would be fun to share and see what you all thought. I would like to rewrite this and maybe come up with a few more for an anthology…

The Roadster Smart Car

​Driving around to all the local car dealerships, I’m saddened. All I wanted was a brand new car, one that had never been owned and driven by another! A bright orange copper Roadster Smart Car, is that too much to ask? Ready to head home from the last dealership in town my phone rings.

“Yeah, talk to me” I answer.

“Hello, is this Malikyi?”

“Yup, who is this? What can I do for you?”

“This is Dr Schetziki’s nurse, Rose. I am calling to let you know that those tests came back and it is bad.” I hear a bit of a gulp on the line.

“How bad exactly?” I ask, my eyes narrowing. So not what I want to deal with today.

“Well, umm, I am sorry to tell you, but… There’s no easy way to say this,” she trails off.

“Oh just say it, it can’t be that bad.” I gripe.

Her breath puffs through the phone, “I am afraid sir, it is. You have a brain tumor, and… to be perfectly honest we don’t know how you are still alive. You have twenty-four hours to live. You should consider getting your affairs in order. I’m dreadfully sorry”

Before I can respond, the line goes dead. I guess it really was that bad. What now? I have always been the type to live life to the fullest. No regrets, that is what my sister taught me. Come to think of it, she was right around my age when she died. Staring out the window I sit there a moment. I wish I could have gotten that car. Overall, I have no regrets, maybe I should see who is free tonight, have a fun dinner out with everyone.

Getting ready for the dinner, my doorbell rings. Opening, there is a strange looking little man standing there.

“Can I help you?” I ask rather dubiously.

“No. But I my friend can help you. I can make all your worries disappear, or grant your deepest wish for that new Roadster you wanted.” He said with a flair.
“All my worries disappear, what worries?”

“You horribly short life expectancy of course! Now, what would you like, your dream car for your remaining few hours, or to be tumor free? Leaving you free to live a long life.” His eyes watch me, a deepness to them leaving me a bit nervous.

“Wow, umm, honestly that is a tough call. Things happen for a reason. But living my life, I could get the car eventually so that seems a no brainer.” I respond.

“Ah, there is one catch. If you ever get your dream car, your tumor will be back and you will die,” he says gently.

“I knew there had to be something. Honestly, my life is in order. I don’t mind dying young. Give me the car.” I decide suddenly. Why not, I miss my sister, this life isn’t really all that great anyway. I am ready to be done.

“As you wish, here are the keys. It is parked out front. Enjoy the rest of your life.” He disappears in a cloud of smoke, smelling of jasmine.


Well, there it is in all it’s glory. What do you think?  Do you enjoy it? Should I pursue this or toss it in the drawer?

Blog Motivation

So having struggled to really find an idea that spoke to me for a few days now, I asked some friends what it is that they would like to see if they were looking to read a writing blog. One of the topics asked for was How to get and stay motivated to work on my blog. She went on to say, I have lots of posts in my brain, but have yet to find a way to hook my brain to my computer and download the posts.

This is a great topic! I have often found myself floundering. And it also gave me the idea for a couple posts, because in addition to this one, you get to look forward to a piece of fiction from me, dealing with the downloading from the brain! *grins* You know you are all dying to read that one! So, here we go, how to stay motivated:

  1. First off, try to have several posts done ahead. The reason I say this is because it is so much easier to maybe come back to it a little later if you really need to, without the pressure of, Oh My GERD, it is due to post in twenty minutes!!! *grins* and yes I have done that more than a time or two, hehehe.
  2. Secondly, keep an actual written list of your ideas. Update this list any time you have an idea, so that you have a ready place to go when you are not feeling inspired.
  3. Thirdly, write on a topic that actually interests you at the moment. Yes, you have created a marvelous list of ideas, but if they are not inspiring you at the moment, write on something else. Your lack of interest will show! You have thought of the ideas for a reason, so give them all the passion they deserve!


There you have it, three easy and quick steps for finding and keeping the motivation to write your blog posts! What do you do to find the motivation for working on your blog when you are feeling less than motivated? Do you keep a list of ideas? Do you just write randomly? Do you work ahead in your blog? Let me know!!!

Just How Often

boss-fight-stock-images-photos-free-photography-coffee-mug-calendar-960x636I have to say… as I have been working on getting my blog rolling again I have put a lot of thought into just how often I should be posting. I don’t know that I want to post every day, but I also know me… when I don’t post every day it seems to slip a little long, and then a little longer, and pretty soon I am failing to post once more!  That is not what I want. I love the blogging world. I love all my blogging friends! There is a sense of community here you don’t find on other areas of the interwebs.


So I ask you, my marvelous readers… how often would you like to see posts?​

Long Awaited Update

Found on the interwebs.

Hey all, oh man has it been a while! Well, not as long as it has been in the past, but long enough. So what has happened since my last posting… wow, I have a lot to tell you! So without further ado… well… I will take a page out of my favorite book/movie: (And I wrote this post before I realized I would be posting about my Valentine’s day!)  

Let’s see, I left off way back in the beginning of November. I really did have every intention of sharing with you my NaNoWriMo journey, which I of course did win by the way! (insert image of NaNo win here!) During NaNo, however, I ended up having some things go down, so I did not have the same amount of time on my hands! At some point, I think in the end of October my roommates left. (I hope life is still treating them well!) And at the beginning of November I helped someone I love very much move and have been spending most of my winter with him. (Well, my car is a heap of junk and until I can get a new one, driving in the winter is not always my favorite pastime.)

Outside of that I have signed up for a Creative Writing Course, that I hope to get a certificate in! Along with a few other courses that should really help me, not only with my writing career, but also my Life Coaching and Virtual Assistant type work. So overall, I am of course as busy as ever, and actually loving life!

Goals for the year: I chose a word for my year, and this year is Balance.

Well, I used the yearly book created by Susannah Conway, I really love it! If you have not seen it before I highly recommend checking it out! You can find the article for this years book here.

Well, I do believe that will wrap things up nicely! I hope that the new year is treating you well and I will be back soon! How about you? Do you do any kind of yearly review? Monthly? Weekly? What tools do you use? Are you working on bettering yourself in the new year? Do you have any goals? I want to hear from you!

Valentine’s Day 2016

IMG_20160214_154952488Hey all, I totally have a wonderful update for you, but I will send that out later, as today is Valentine’s Day and I want to share what a marvelous day I had!

I brought you a special present.

A book?

Does it got any sports in it?
Are you kidding? Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, True Love, miracles…
Doesn’t sound too bad. I’ll try and stay awake.

Well, for all of you who know what that is from, you will love what comes next!  I started off on the first of February, giving him a countdown with little notes and some gifts for each day! Although he said the finale was the best!

We then worked together on presenting this special meal! He has such beautiful writing that he did all the little placecards for our meal. We worked together on creating our perfect meal and it was so much fun!  Then, we sat down and enjoyed watching the movie while we ate!  It was the best Valentine’s Day I have ever had!


I hope you enjoyed our Princess Bride Valentine’s Day extravaganza!!!  How about you? Did you have a wonderful day? How do you celebrate?  Share with me what you did, I want to hear from you!​