Category Archives: Vlogging

Adventures in Vlogging

So, this week I have something a little different and new I am trying out.  I am going to share with you my adventures in Vlogging.  Depending on how well this goes I may make more, but we shall see.  I hope you enjoy this and find it inspiring in your own craft.

My Personal Writing Creed/Code/Declaration/Manifesto

And in case you want to read it, here it is in all it’s written glory!

So, I am going to start this vlogging journey with something of my… personal writing creed or whatever I am going to call it.

My writing journey has come a long way from where I got my start in high school dabbling in poetry from some assignment that came about after translating some Olde English Shakespearian play. (The Taming of the Shrew, which incidentally is my personal favorite!)

I moved on, writing poetry as the need struck, sharing my emotional thoughts with the world around me. NaNoWriMo 2011 is where my writing really became “real” to me. Something more than a bit of poetry. I realized that I actually “could” write stories, and maybe some day share them with the world.

In 2013 I took those two pieces of how I felt about writing a bit further. I started to explore my life, and how different aspects fit together after the loss of my wife to cancer.

These elements were key in inspiring what my writing has become now. But… there is one final piece to that key, in the shaping and exploring of what writing is to me. The world of blogging. By blogging my writing journey, and following other bloggers as they share theirs is what truly gave me the desire to give “voice” to my personal writing creed/code/declaration/manifesto!

So, here goes… My attempt to put words to the vast feelings and ideas of my personal writing creed/code/declaration/manifesto:

Writing is a Journey,
An Expression of your Soul.
Words ARE Power,
Writing IS Ceremony!
Words, writing, Spring forth
from the Well of the Soul.
Writing is Discovery,
as we Explore the Intangible.

Write for the Love, Joy and Journey!
Write to explore, discover and share!
Write your path, desires and thoughts!
Write to learn, grow and give!

The creative process is a gift of the Creator, it is an honor and something to be shared. So don’t write to be famous, don’t write to make money, but instead, instead, write because you need to share the words in your heart and soul! Write because you have been gifted by Creator. Write to share the Journey and Power that are in the Ceremony of Writing!

This is just a little piece of how I view writing and I hope that it has inspired you in your writing journey.

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