Tag Archives: ideas

LoQ: Core

Time for another Installment of Letters of Questioning!

My poor dizzy friend, Dreamland’s Insurgents,

You know… I think you are touching on something deeper when thinking about ideas.  Because to me… whenever I read a book, or when I even look at something I have written, even knowing that it is just an idea that may have blossomed from a prompt, it shows something about ourselves. It shows tiny glimpses of who we are.  Of course, what that says about me, and some of the very dark things I write, I couldn’t really say, or maybe I don’t want to face it, hehehe.  But I think, in all honesty, it is one of the deepest, most almost spiritual parts of writing that is at its very core, and prolly the most important thing to consider when we are looking at writing.

I think that being able to pin point the very core of our processes into a few sentences is what allows us to create/do something so much more, something deeper!  It is from finding that little core bite that allows an author to nail down the deepest part of the plot of a novel, and I think that a mission statement does that same for us in life!  All too often we just let the tides of life batter us around! Well, NO MORE! Stand firm, and find that core! Or keep floundering… I am good at that too.

I have to say, going forward, I am hoping to find my lost motivation.  Not sure where I left it… maybe in my poor little boat that I sank so I would never have to leave the island, that is now battering me with storms?  I am looking at prepping, Camp NaNo is just around the corner and I will work on my cookbook! The stories to be told I hope will find a way to shine! Maybe the cookbook needs a mission statement? At the least it could use a one sentence summary!

What projects does this letter find you working on? In the ever rising tides are you finding that you are still managing to stay afloat of your ever increasing demands on time and life?  Or are you, like me, feeling the tides rising faster and you sunk your own boat?

Trying desperately to craft a raft from sticks and twigs,


How about you, our friends.  Where does this letter reach you? Are you happy on a cozy island? Or are you on smooth seas or bumpy waves?  Do you find yourself digging to the core of your writing or instead just letting the tides take you where they will?  Do you have any burning questions? Or maybe you are searching for a treasure with a map of no destination?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Blog Motivation

So having struggled to really find an idea that spoke to me for a few days now, I asked some friends what it is that they would like to see if they were looking to read a writing blog. One of the topics asked for was How to get and stay motivated to work on my blog. She went on to say, I have lots of posts in my brain, but have yet to find a way to hook my brain to my computer and download the posts.

This is a great topic! I have often found myself floundering. And it also gave me the idea for a couple posts, because in addition to this one, you get to look forward to a piece of fiction from me, dealing with the downloading from the brain! *grins* You know you are all dying to read that one! So, here we go, how to stay motivated:

  1. First off, try to have several posts done ahead. The reason I say this is because it is so much easier to maybe come back to it a little later if you really need to, without the pressure of, Oh My GERD, it is due to post in twenty minutes!!! *grins* and yes I have done that more than a time or two, hehehe.
  2. Secondly, keep an actual written list of your ideas. Update this list any time you have an idea, so that you have a ready place to go when you are not feeling inspired.
  3. Thirdly, write on a topic that actually interests you at the moment. Yes, you have created a marvelous list of ideas, but if they are not inspiring you at the moment, write on something else. Your lack of interest will show! You have thought of the ideas for a reason, so give them all the passion they deserve!


There you have it, three easy and quick steps for finding and keeping the motivation to write your blog posts! What do you do to find the motivation for working on your blog when you are feeling less than motivated? Do you keep a list of ideas? Do you just write randomly? Do you work ahead in your blog? Let me know!!!

Not Forgotten!

fairymeMy dear, marvelous readers, you have not been forgotten!  The end of summer has just left me with a lot on my plate, but I did promise you that I have a very exciting idea coming up!  And I really do!  More on that to be announced soon!

Also, I would love your help, I am currently in the works of planning some more wonderful ideas for your reading pleasure and I would like to add a weekly Vlog post… what is it that you would most like to see from me?!?  Everything is possible!  I hope to have some great content up soon!  Thanks ever so much for your patience!

Letters from Camp: One Day, at NaNo Camp…


First a quick update… I have to say I sadly did not manage my 5k day, but I did manage over 1k!  So that is something, there is still hope! I know that I can do it! Maybe tomorrow I will hammer out enough to get more caught up!  Now, here is an idea that was tossed at me, and this is my attempt. I know that there could be more, and that this can become “something” so let me have it!

camp_nano_logoThis one time at NaNo camp, there was this inappropriate comma! And don’t get me started on the ellipses, stuck where one should never go. The fragments that leave you hanging! Feeling oh so unfulfilled! Or the sentences that seem to go on and on and on and on. The repetition, same words, phrases, and the like, abusing our minds in a manner most unbecoming!  And what is with that exclamation point, or is it mark… really, why can’t it stick with the point!  I have ta say… really and truly, why can one never get what should be where?!?

I have a few ideas for adding in the dash, question mark, colon, those could all be added, and I would like to think up a few more different grammatical type things.  Maybe even create a second little story! What do you think?!?  What more does it need? What would you want to see in there?

Letters of Questioning: A Teaser

So… an idea was born! I have to say, working on a collaborative project really just intrigued me. And since I have such a wonderful writing partner I have managed to talk him into something GRAND!!! Starting tomorrow we will be working on a deep and philosophical endeavor! Every Friday from now on I will be corresponding with Dreamland’s Insurgents. We will hyperlink our responses back and forth, so please remember if you enjoy the letters on one end, go and check out their response!

Please stay tuned to learn more, but I will say… it is going to be incredibly great! (if I do say so myself)