Tag Archives: phoenix

Letters from Camp: Midway Point… Oh my!


Oh my… we are already half way through camp?!?  Say it isn’t so!  Whatever will I do when I have to go home from this wonderful journey?  No longer have the unicorns out back and the mermaids in the harbor!  At least there is the baby phoenix that will be coming home with me!  He and I bonded instantly, I was so happy he didn’t run amok yesterday.  Saints alive, Pandemonium Day was a mess!  Things seem to be settling down now though.  Sadly we are looking to a whole new crazy, what with camp already being half way to a close!

I have to say, I am a total and complete fail!  Thus far this month, the writing has just not really happened. I have just been so stuck. I have been more than ready the past few days, but life keeps getting in the way!  Well, tomorrow starts another attempt at a MEcation!  Right in the middle of camp!  So hopefully the words will pour out on the page!

Today being Gummi Worm Day, I will totally make it all better and bring a few bags to share with the mermaids!  I am sure the Griffins would love if I would bring some by!  You never would have known it, but gummi worms are their favorite food!  Just mind their beaks!

What about you? Where are you on your camp projects?  How is the world at large treating you?  Talk to me!

Letters from Camp: Pandemonium Day!#!@!


fungi1Oh man! The flood gates have opened! There is ORANGE coral growing on LAND! Today is Pandemonium Day, and I fear the dragons are going to have us all!  The unicorns have stampeded through the valley, the mermaids are trying to pull everyone out to sea, and the phoenixes are puffing up in flames when they land on people!


Be careful out there today folks! Anything could happen! If the Harpies are going to carry you away, make them work for it!