Tag Archives: writers block

A Bit Late



Well, this update is coming a bit late, but I struggled ALL day with my word count.  Could not get anything out.  For the first time ever I have a complete outline (that I did in just a couple of days) and I even know the plot before writing the story!  These are big things for me!  But what I am finding is… I have not been able to write.  I don’t know if the characters are just that shy that they are not really speaking through me, or if I am stuck thinking about my outline.  All I know is I was well and truly stuck! managing only 36 whole words before 10 pm tonight!

courtesy of Google
courtesy of Google

Well, all of that has changed thanks to one of my wonderful writerly friends!!!  Her suggestion… well let me warn you it was totally off the wall crazy! (So crazy it just might work!) *falls over giggling*

Anyway, the idea was this:  Write the exact opposite of your outline.  Instead of people coming in killing, have a group of good guys coming in and giving hugs, and instead of keeping the main character alive, maybe they accidentally kill her off.  Now I don’t know what is exactly is going to happen from all of this nonsense, but let me tell ya, in 15 minutes I had managed over 750 words!  And it was fun, and I know for a fact I even managed to learn several details about my story!

That said, never be afraid to play with your work!  It doesn’t matter if it is just going to be tossed.  Even taking fifteen minutes to be silly, you never know what you will get.  Hey! I am even thinking the whole tone of my story might change from this!  The serious piece I was starting to write, just might change to a satire piece, or just something light and fluffy!  You never know where the writing trails may lead!  One of the best things about NaNo!


How about you?  Are you managing to get your word count?  Or are you stuck like I was?  If so, take my friends advice!  Even take one scene and write it the opposite of what you have, who knows where it might take you!  If you do I would love to hear from you!  Either way, let me know how the writing is going!