Letters from Camp: Today at Camp


So, today at camp I was totally inspired while talking about my draft. You would image that means I did a bunch of writing, but no. I just talked about it, and dreamed up some great ideas that might work to get the end started. I gotta get the ball rolling on that! I can’t believe here we are, already nine days into camp and I have only written a measly thousand some odd words!  Sad right?  Well, don’t despair and give up on me yet! I can still do this!  I have high hopes for later this day! To get some more words out there!    And yes, I know that I have another award to post about, look for that later this week!

What about you? Are you feeling stuck? What do you think is hardest, writing the beginning of a novel or the end?  Where are you on your writing goals?  Hope your camp experience is treating you well!

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