Tag Archives: writing inspiration

Weekly Inspiration: Interesting


Looking at the world around us in a different light is one of the biggest gift of writers!

I really love this picture because it helps remind me that it is all about outlook.  How we look at the world.  If we always remember to look at the world differently, then we can craft our stories to reflect the ideas we see to share them with those who are not as blessed as to see the world differently!


What about you?  What inspires you to look at the world around you a bit differently?  What do you see in your day to day that becomes something amazing and fun?  How do you share that in your writing?!?

Too Much to Say

Blank Paper & Pen

I have been staring at a blank page of writing for a while now. There are so many thoughts, and so many words that I have to share, but nothing wants to come out and play right now.

When I get stuck I usually just push through and keep writing, eventually something good will come out. Or at least that is what I tell myself. I don’t know that it is true, but it is a philosophy that has at the very least given me word counts on my “worst” writing days.
I would not say that it is writer’s block, as I do not feel like I have nothing to write about. No, this is almost the polar opposite. I just have too much!


What about you? What do you do when there are too many words to be said? Or when you are ever stuck staring at that blank page wondering what comes next?

Making Connections

Just yesterday I made a life changing connection. When we think of connections we think of meeting new people, seeing old bonds, and learning associations. But really it is more than that, it is also a process of discovery, of ourselves and how we relate to those things, people and places outside of ourselves.

This connection I made because of a video I watched by Black Coffee Poet, after reading his blog post Never Give Up Writing. The part that really stood out to me is where he speaks about how Writing is Ceremony.

This was a life changing connection for me. Why? you may wonder. It is simple. I have always said and believed that Words ARE Power. Believed that we should always live what we believe, as we are an outward expression of that belief. But I had always felt that something was missing. That there was something more than words being power, and there was! The Power of words is just an outward expression of the Ceremony! A beautiful ceremony shared with us, given to us by the gift of creation that the Creator instilled in us all!

In the words of Black Coffee Poet “Don’t think about the end result. Enjoy the Journey! Live the process! Write your own Path!”

Take some time, look at his blog, his youtube videos!  Make your own connections!  Find your own inner writing ceremony!  Share the Inspiration with others in your journey, as I have done.

Weekly Inspiration: Unwritten

I have decided to change a few minor things about how I do my blog.  Namely, I am working towards a little more structure, so we will see how this goes.

A bit of Weekly Inspiration, this week comes from a song that can mean so many different things.

I give you Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield:


Lately I have been sharing how writing for me is a journey, I see in it the reflection of my life.  I once read somewhere, about how in order to write we have to live life.  I have found this to be remarkably true.  When I am not busy, I struggle the most to write, and yet… when life bombards me with more than I think I have the time for… that is when I am most inspired!  We are writing the story of our life in everything we do… only by moving forward will we see where this story will go!

Then there is the other way this song speaks to me… Our stories are unwritten… When we first get ready to start, there is something in that blank page staring at us.  It invokes things, from fear to great delight.  The start of a story is full of magic and delight.  When we let go of all that, let the words spill out of us, words only we know… then we see the beauty of the story unfold before our eyes.  It is a magical sight!


How about you?  What does this song say to you?  Do you find it inspiring?  Making you long to pour the words out of your soul, the words only you have? both in life and writing!